Come To The Water!

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All you who are thirsty,
Come to the water!
You who have no money . . .
Come, without paying . . . Isaiah 55:1

Gracious God,
Source of all life,
Source of MY life . . .
To whom shall I go
but to You, when my soul thirsts
for living waters?
For only You, and You alone
can satisfy the longing of my heart.

And so, today, I come . . .
just as I am . . .
to receive all that You freely give
onto me this day.
Your love enfolds me . . .
Your grace sustains me . . .
And I shall live under Your protective care.

Today I shall drink from the Stream
of Living Waters at Your Word,
and know my life anew. Amen

~Morning Prayers of Anna Lin

Photo at Pinterest