Morning Song


Morning Song ~ ~ ~

Gracious God,

How wonderful it is to BE in your Presence ~
to worship you with Songs of Praise this morning.

I don’t have to DO anything ~
just BE in stillness ~ ~ in peaceful quiet of my soul.

I am filled with all Love and Wonder for this moment
in which we are ONE in the Spirit.

Your power flows through me to strengthen me
for this day ~ ~
~ ~ like streams of living water you restore my soul.

From here I go forth to heal the world ~ ~
through my very being ~ ~
as the temple of the divine you have created me
to be.

May it be so unto me.

~ Morning Prayers of Anna Lin

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Creator Of All Life

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Creator Of All Life,

As the seasons shift now ~
everywhere I see signs of Your creative power.

I behold Your glory in the tiniest bud
that bursts forth from the dark earth
searching for the light.

I see Your beauty unfolding
as the first radiant flower of the Spring.

Every tree stands ready to begin
the dance of new beginnings
as their leaves form ever stronger.

And so it is, that something stirs within me too ~
~ awakening me to the blessings of each new day
~ receiving the abundance of the glory You display
~ magnificence in all creation sings as I bow to pray.

Creator Of All Life,
Thank you for Your Beauty.
My heart sings out Your praise!

~ Morning Prayers of Anna Lin

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I sit now in the silence as the darkness turns to light,
aware that this new day shall now begin.
Into the quiet stillness your Spirit calls to me: “Arise!
For you are meant for greatness on this day.”

I humbly bow in reverence to accept the tasks you’ve given,
in honor I shall serve you to the end.
Through your power and your glory
we shall live in one accord;
with mercy freely given, graciously.

May your will be done – – –
Your kingdom come to all throughout the world,
that love and peace shall reign upon the earth.

~ Morning prayers of Anna Lin

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Come To The Water!

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All you who are thirsty,
Come to the water!
You who have no money . . .
Come, without paying . . . Isaiah 55:1

Gracious God,
Source of all life,
Source of MY life . . .
To whom shall I go
but to You, when my soul thirsts
for living waters?
For only You, and You alone
can satisfy the longing of my heart.

And so, today, I come . . .
just as I am . . .
to receive all that You freely give
onto me this day.
Your love enfolds me . . .
Your grace sustains me . . .
And I shall live under Your protective care.

Today I shall drink from the Stream
of Living Waters at Your Word,
and know my life anew. Amen

~Morning Prayers of Anna Lin

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Out Of The Mists Of Silence ~ ~ ~

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Out of the mists of silence
God has dreamed of you today;
imagining a radiant light
that shimmers through the course of time,
lighting the way to peace upon the earth
with every step you take.

For you are the shining star
that has come to guide the way
for lost and lonely souls
that seek for comfort for their day.

You are the blessing given forth
to those who sit and wait;
All this you are – –
All this is unfolding
as God’s dream of you today.

~ Morning Prayers of Anna Lin


Shine like stars in the universe
as you hold out the word of life.
Philippians 2: 15-16

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Like Gentle Dew ~ ~ ~ All Shall Be Well

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Your word, O Lord, like gentle dew
falls softly on my heart of hearts,
awakening me to all the glory
of this blessed day.

I behold your wonder within
a single flower –
rejoicing in the abundance of
beauty that your grace bestows.

Walking forth to meet the dawn
I carry with me the Presence
of your love —
to guide each step
with your unending care.

In the brightness of your Light
I see the way ~ ~
new vistas that shine love into each hour;
and all now shall be well . . . all shall be well.

~ Anna Lin

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Morning Prayer

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Loving God,
Creator of Light and Life,
As the morning sun rises this early morn,
may the light of your love rise up
within my heart, to shine through me
as the glorious sun.

~ Morning Prayers of Anna Lin

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Dear Friends,
If you are on Facebook, I invite you to visit my FB page called
Morning Prayer ~  to begin each day with Divine Love and Grace.

Anna Lin