A Blessing Of The Angels

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May the angel of the annunciation bless you,
inviting you daily to awaken to the God-life within you.

May the angel of Joseph’s dreams bless you,
stirring your spirit to trust the many ways that Mystery whispers to you.

May the angel of birthing bless you,
calling forth wonder, awe, and gratitude for all that has helped you to become your true self.

May the angel of Bethlehem-songs bless you,
tickling your soul with laughter and joy,
heralding hope and good tidings to you.

May the angel of the journey to Egypt bless you,
guiding and protecting you as you travel the inner and out
roads of your life.

May the angel of desert wilderness bless you,
bringing courage when you experience bleak,
intense searching and struggle. Continue reading

Mary Did You Know?

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In those days when the people of Judea were oppressed
. . . in the reign of King Herod
. . . in the town of Nazareth there was a woman named Miryam.

In prayer Miryam watched.
Eyes of her soul turned inward, she watched.
Ears of her spirit stretched out, she watched.
Watched for Yahweh in stillness.

In awe Miryam listened.
With the firm beat of her heart, she listened.
With the deep stroke of her breath, she listened.
Listened for Yahweh in stillness.

In the stillness Miryam reached out.
Mind alive, she reached out.
Memory reflecting, she reached out.
Inviting her God to inspire.

The Shadow streamed into her being.
Greeting the core of her soul.
Hearing, she stretched for the life source.
Embracing the quickening call.

“How is this? I know not!” She responded.
Stumbling in God’s desert of time.
“But you speak and all things come together.
I will . . . as you say . . . let it be.”

Her lifetime of shadowy knowing was
confirmed in the quieting joy.
Summoning cadences, ancient and deep,
echoed the call fo God’s peace.

Mirjam arose and went out.
Holding the knowledge of change, went out.
Accepting the newness of challenge, went out.
Went out to begin the task.

Miryam embarked on the journey.
Her mind precise for the journey.
Her soul enflamed for the journey.
Journeyed to the arms of Elizabeth.

In the warmth of those arms, she knew.
Ancient pathways op’ning before her, she knew.
Words of her people streamed from her mouth, she knew.
Knew that her God lived within her.

~ Ann Johnson, in Miryam of Nazareth:
Woman of Strength and Wisdom
Dear God of Hope,

On this day of my life, may I, like Mary,
be open to welcome the presence of Christ
within me. Amen

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Wounded Healer Though I Be

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Today in the midst of this season of festivity, I want to acknowledge those who are feeling deep sorrow and loss – – those who are steeped in darkness and despair. I am deeply moved by all that is happening in your lives and in the world and how difficult it can be to move through this holiday time with even a glimmer of hope.

It has been just over twenty years since I experienced poisoning by pesticides in my work place. I fell into darkness and despair when my health crashed and I lost my life and dreams as I had known them. I have lived through the challenges of finding my way through the shadows – – wounded healer though I be. I say HEALER, for although I am not “cured”, this experience has offered the gift of healing in many ways. I have had the opportunity of Learning to Walk in the Dark (the title of Barbara Brown Taylor’s popular book).

Today I just want to sit with you in the dark days of your longings.
The words from a meaningful song come to mind.

“I will hold the Christ-light for you
In the night time of your fear.
I will hold my hand out to you;
Speak the peace you long to hear.”

Today I sit in quiet stillness and hold the Christ Light for you and for the world.

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Here are more words from the song to reflect on:

Sister, let me be your servant.
Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I might have the grace
To let you be my servant, too.

We are pilgrims on a journey.
We are brothers on the road.
We are here to help each other
Walk the mile and bear the load.

I will hold the Christ-light for you
In the night time of your fear.
I will hold my hand out to you;
Speak the peace you long to hear.

I will weep when you are weeping.
When you laugh, I’ll laugh with you.
I will share your joy and sorrow
Till we’ve seen this journey through.

When we sing to God in heaven,
We shall find such harmony
Born of all we’ve known together
Of Christ’s love and agony.

Brother, let me be your servant.
Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I might have the grace
To let you be my servant, too.

~ Richard Gillard

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A Book Of HOPE

Advent - Intro.

Dearly Friends,

One spiritual practice I have loved using for many years is
creating my own personal small books of reflections.
You may enjoy making your own during this time of Advent.
The days of November 29 to December 5 focus on HOPE.
During this time, jot down all that comes into your life that
reminds you of HOPE:
words, poems, prayers, stories, images, visions, sacred scriptures that excite and inspire you with a sense of hopefulness.

If you gather together all the things that bring you HOPE and create a little book, you will have this to go back to encourage you in times of difficulty, despair and hopelessness.

You can jot these down on your computer or in a little note pad that you carry with you.


I like to make Word Cards while I’m creating my little books.

I simply use paper or note cards (of any size or color you choose), held together by a metal ring or piece of string. This gives flexibility because it allows you to re-organize the thoughts and pictures, or remove any you decide are not necessary. Later, you can transfer these to a more permanent Book of HOPE. (Like little notebooks purchased from a Dollar Store).


May HOPE be in your heart and mind this day,

Anna Lin


All That We Celebrate ~ The Season Of Advent

Advent - Intro.

Dear Beautiful Souls ~

As we approach the days leading towards Christmas,
we enter a quiet time for contemplation on
the holy birth of Jesus.

In my faith tradition, we call this season Advent – –
meaning “coming”, for we wait with expectation
the coming of God with us – – Emmanuel.

These days of waiting and expecting are precious moments
and opportunities to nourish our souls with words of

We use candles to mark each week’s focus on these
gifts for our lives – – – with daily readings for reflection
and prayer.

I invite you to join me in these moments of grace as
we ponder together the mystery of the Holy One
who came among us.

Beginning this Sunday, November 29, I will be
posting brief daily reflections here on my website.

I invite you to join us.

May the Blessings of our gracious God
shine upon us and grant us peace.

~ Anna Lin