Days of Mercy + + +

“Father most merciful, we confess our faith in Christ
with our words,
Keep us from denying him in our actions.”
(From the Daily Office)

Oh God,
How am I not being me today?
How am I not being my true self?
How am I denying the Christ who lives in me,
as me, through me?
Oh God,
Keep me from sabotaging all that you created me to be.
Help me to be my best self now!
May I have the patience of God for the mercy towards others
and towards myself.
May I be Christ-like in compassion and justice,
through Jesus Christ, my Lord, I pray. Amen

~ Prayers of Anna Lin

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Day 16 + 40 Days of Mercy + + +

Today let us pray for those with physical and mental
challenges and act with loving kindness knowing that
as we strengthen one another we strengthen all
of humanity.
Anna Lin +

Even though it’s an add ~ it’s a great story

When The Best Of Us Steps Up, Our Nation Stands A Little Taller…Share this… Credit to: Canadian Tire


Day 14 + 40 Days of Mercy + + +

There is an enormous task ahead of us ~ ~
We are each being called upon to share what we can. . .
and we can do this!
May God grant us generous spirits and hearts of compassion.
Lord, hear our prayers and show us the way to acts of mercy.

~ Anna Lin

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”
~ Mother Teresa.

UN says the world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since 1945

Day 11 + 40 Days of Mercy + + +

Last year, when the world was lured into becoming more mean-spirited than I have ever seen in my lifetime, I felt compelled to offer prayers of compassion every day . . . sending Christ’s love and mercy to heal our world. I created a little Sanctuary of Prayer to carry with me, so when I walk the Prayer Paths I am prompted to stop and move into this realm of grace.

When we want to shift our focus from our deep concerns and agony over the cares of the world it is helpful to have a spiritual practice that immediately moves us into God’s peace and presence.
It can be as simple as placing your hand over your heart;
or turning a ring on your finger;
some wear bracelets that they switch onto the other wrist;
you may pause and breathe in the peace and love of Christ’s presence;
or repeat a breath prayer of words that are meaningful to you.

Whatever feels natural and gently moves you into the sanctuary of your heart ~ ~ do that!

May blessings of peace and mercy be upon your path this day.

With love to you ~ ~ Anna Lin +

Day 8 + 40 Days of Mercy + + +

Beloveds of God,
May these words be in your heart today:
You are goodness and mercy and compassion and understanding.
You are peace and joy and light.
You are forgiveness and patience, strength and courage,
a helper in time of need, a comforter in time of sorrow,
a healer in time of injury, a teacher in times of confusion.
You are the deepest wisdom and the highest truth;
the greatest peace and the grandest love.
You are these things. And in moments of your life
you have known yourself as these things.
Choose now to know yourself as these things always.

~ Neale Donald Walsch

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Day 7 + 40 Days of Mercy + + +

Divine Tenderness,
Keeper of All Hearts,
May we know the sweetness
of Your Love.

Touch grieving hearts
with Your comfort and strength.

Mend broken hearts
with Your inexhaustible Grace.

Invite abandoned hearts
into Your Household of Belonging.

Fill empty hearts
with newborn warmth and hope.

Smile on joyful hearts
with Your gleam of Knowing Light.

Divine Tenderness,
with delicate care,
You have spread Your mantle
of purest blue,
encompassing sun,
moon, stars, and all
Your fragile children.

Draw us, in gentleness
and beauty to Yourself.
Renew us like the Spring!
Cover us, call to us,
sing our secret names…

until every heart is Home.

~ Cheryl Anne

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